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Child Custody Attorneys in Denton County

Dedicated Child custody LAWYERS serving the lewisville, tx area

Deciding who will have custody of the children can be one of the most contentious, emotional, and disputed issues that will come up during a divorce. Divorcing parents must finalize their parenting plan during the process. Managing your child custody rights is essential, as the final plans the court orders by either agreement or trial can dramatically affect the relationships of everyone involved.

The divorce process is additionally important because it is the first and last time that parents will face each other on a level playing field. Emotions can cloud a normally rational parent’s judgment, making child custody legal matters even more challenging.

Our Denton County child custody attorneys are passionate about family law and forged careers with family law as the foundation. We have handled almost every conceivable child custody matter. We work both with divorcing spouses and with parents who never married. Additionally, we continue to educate ourselves so we can stay abreast of emerging issues and laws in Texas child custody and family law. We are a part of the legislative process by reviewing bills affecting families when legislative sessions convene.

Give us a call or contact us online schedule a consultation with an experienced Denton County child custody attorney today.

How Our Denton County Child Custody Attorneys Can Help

We use our knowledge and experience to help clients with:

  • Determining legal custody (who makes the major decisions for your child) and physical custody (where your child lives), and establishing joint or sole child custody
  • Drafting parenting plans and determining visitation/possession rights
  • Matters regarding child relocation to other cities, states, and countries due to a host of factors, not the least of which are re-marriage and employment changes
  • Dealing with issues of parental alienation and loss of both quality and actual time with a child during their formative years
  • Drafting and reviewing child support agreements that protect your interests and are in the best interests of your child
  • Parents’ rights issues relating to lifestyle or differences in raising children
  • Paternity issues
  • Modifying or enforcing divorce decrees
  • Establishing joint or sole child custody
  • Determining visitation/possession rights
  • Establishing grandparents’ rights

As we work on child custody cases, we do not accept standard procedure. We find ways to cut costs for our clients without cutting corners. We use informal methods to settle disputes outside of the courtroom within the first weeks of the case being filed when possible. We eliminate expenses by avoiding unnecessary and costly social studies and psychological exams when applicable.

Legal vs. Physical Custody in Texas

In Texas, child custody is typically divided into two main components: legal custody and physical custody.

Legal Custody: A parent with legal custody is responsible for making important decisions regarding their child's upbringing. Educational, health care, religious upbringing, and other significant aspects of a child's life are included in these decisions. In Texas, legal custody can be awarded as either sole or joint custody.

  • Sole Legal Custody: Child decisions are made exclusively by one parent. Joint decision-making is less common and usually reserved for situations where it is deemed inefficient or not in the best interests of the child.
  • Joint Legal Custody: Both parents share the responsibility of making decisions for the child. Joint legal custody encourages collaboration and communication between parents, ensuring that major decisions are made collectively.

Physical Custody: Physical custody, commonly known as possession and access in Texas, pertains to the child's physical residence. The parent granted physical custody assumes the day-to-day responsibilities for the child's care and well-being.

  • Sole Physical Custody: The child primarily resides with one parent, and the other parent may have visitation rights.
  • Joint Physical Custody: The child spends significant time with both parents, and they share physical custody, promoting a more balanced time-sharing arrangement.

Deciding on legal and physical custody takes into account factors such as the child's best interests, the parents' ability to collaborate, and other pertinent considerations. Seeking legal advice is recommended to navigate the intricate aspects of child custody in Texas successfully. Our experienced Denton County child custody attorneys can help.

Can a Mom Get Full Custody in Texas?

There are minimal circumstances where a judge will agree to grant the mother's sole parent custody in Texas, but it is probable. The state of Texas refers to full sole custody—as sole managing conservatorship. With that said, sole managing conservatorship may not be required, depending on your goals.

Let Our Texas Child Custody Attorneys Assist Your Family

With each case, we take a total team approach. The attorney you initially see will always manage your case. Afterward, our team meets to review your case. We then hand the case to an attorney or staff member who can provide you with the best and most economical representation.

In addition, our experience and effectiveness in handling child custody and relocation issues are matched by our child support law experience. We work with a certified divorce financial expert to ensure your family has the best possible child custody outcome, regardless of if you are the payer or payee. The experienced Denton County child custody attorneys here at North Texas Family Lawyers are proud to serve the families of the North Texas area, and will be happy to serve yours too. 

Call (972) 402-6367 or send us a message to speak with our experienced child custody lawyers in Denton County.