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When you and/or your spouse make the decision to file for divorce, every choice you make until a settlement is reached may potentially impact the outcome of your case. This statement seems hyperbolic. Yet, something as simple as posting the wrong picture on a social media site or making a big purchase without consulting your attorney can impact your divorce in significant ways.

It is therefore important that you make decisions with an eye towards the future, even if your brain, heart and body seem frustratingly stuck in the present. For example, you may feel that all you can handle right now is sitting on the couch with a box of Girl Scout cookies and watching reality TV. This is normal. However, it is important to both rest and to remain active and healthy during this time. In fact, taking good care of yourself is vital to both your general well-being and the outcome of your case.

If you let your mind, body and emotions dwell too much, the negativity can seep into how you respond to the stresses of your divorce case at the negotiating table and in court. Thinking about what your future self needs will help you get off the couch for a trip to the gym in between episodes of “Top Chef.”

If you need to, write up Post-Its or post up pictures to remind yourself that you need to make decisions based on what you want for your future instead of where your emotions want to drag you right now. Until you reach a divorce settlement, every decision you make should be treated as important to both your future self and your case.

Source: The Huffington Post, “The 9.5 Don’ts of Being Dumped,” Elliot Capner, Misha Zelinsky and Matt Knapp, Jan. 15, 2014
